Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More Photography of Stenotrema hirsutum

I needed to take some time off of web and app development tonight so I decided I'd do a little photo shoot. I chose to photograph a Stenotrema hirsutum I found at Nescopeck. The problem with  Stenotrema, as I see it, is that you can't fully tell if the shell is empty. I left it with a couple shells I had in a little petri dish and when I went back into my office I found it hanging from the top of the lid. Empty shells don't generally do that.

Anyway, as an aside, I'll mention here that I launched my new website tekbirdr.com. It's for app development and digital media publishing of nature subjects. 

Above is my favorite photo from the ones I took. An interesting thing to note is that this S. hirsutum, along with a second, which I found at Nescopeck are a darker brown than the one I found at Frances Slocum (other side of the county). Also the body color is more gray on the other snail. Maybe these are two different species and one isn't S. hirsutum at all, let's face it, I'm still a neophyte. But they both are the same size and whorls and pretty much seem the same. I'll put more effort into comparing both live individuals at a later date. For reference there is a photo of the other S. hirsutum here.

I also drew the snail's ventral view. I really should make a comparative drawing of the Frances Slocum individual and look for any differences, but, honestly, I'm just feeling tired and lazy from working so much and not sleeping well this week. I'll do it some other day and post a comparison. But, as I look at my drawing while I type, I pretty much remember the same characteristics.

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